If you're like me, when I saw the cappucino chips (Ghirardeli) at the store, I envisioned a chocolate cookie or muffin with delightful coffee flavored chips melted in each bite. Heaven, really.
I bought them over the weekend on one hungry trip to the grocery store (danger!) and made the cookies yesterday. I substituted 1/4 C. cocoa powder for 1/4 C. of the flour called for in my Aunt Adrienne's Chocolate Chip cookies and then added 4 oz of grated semi-sweet chocolate and of course the cappucino chips. I was really pleased with myself and expected these to be amazing cookies that will become part of our family favorites. Then...I took a bite.
Have you ever had to keep tasting something because you expect it to be so wonderful and you just can't believe it tastes so bad? Well, the cookie part was great, but the cappucino chips were like little coffee flavored chemical bombs. Bleh! Disappointing. How is it that they can make all the other flavored chips taste so good?